Looking for a plant to decorate your indoor space? Monstera deliciosa, commonly known as the Swiss cheese plant, is one of the most sought-after plants for creating an urban jungle at home or for those starting to grow plants, thanks to its easy maintenance and adaptability.
With its beautiful, split leaves that resemble the shape of a rib, Monstera deliciosa is a plant with a delicate aesthetic perfect for décor.
Native to Central America, the Monstera deliciosa thrives in tropical climates and can be incorporated into décor in various ways. “The most common way is planting it in pots, preferably in a corner on the floor, as it grows quite large,” explains landscaper Luciano Zanardo. However, it is also possible to use one or two leaves in a solo glass vase with water.
Below, the landscaper explains the ideal care for growing Monstera deliciosa. Check it out!
General Care:
1 – Ideal Planting Location
Monstera deliciosa is an adaptable plant, meaning it can be grown in different spaces. However, it’s important to consider the amount of light in the chosen location, as it prefers light, but not too much. It thrives well in places with partial shade and indirect light. When exposed to strong sunlight, the leaves may start to yellow and even develop holes, which can damage its growth and lifespan.
Regarding soil, the plant requires something fresh with good drainage to grow. “I recommend changing the pot every year to prolong the life of the plant,” says Zanardo. “The pot should be slightly larger than the plant itself,” he adds. When planting, it’s best to avoid growing Monstera deliciosa with other species in the same pot, as it can release chemicals through its roots that inhibit the growth of others.
On the balcony of this suite, Monstera deliciosa (the second plant from right to left) is part of a composition with three other plant species that share similar growing characteristics. The landscaping project was designed by Luciano Zanardo | Photo: JP Image
2 – Watering
Monstera deliciosa should be watered twice a week, as its large leaves allow for more water evaporation. However, in winter, the frequency can be reduced to once a week or every 15 days. “A good tip to determine if the plant needs water is to check the soil: stick your finger in the soil, and if it comes out dirty, it means the plant doesn’t need watering yet,” suggests Luciano.
3 – Cleaning
A valuable tip for supporting the plant’s growth is cleaning the leaves with a damp sponge. A damp cloth can also be used for cleaning. “Besides removing dust from the leaves, it helps prevent them from drying out completely,” says the landscaper.
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